Voice and Video API

For functions that could be per conference, session, participant, or stream, they would have a session and a participant parameter. A NULL for either of these would be a wildcard.



*_initiate 	 # Creates a PurpleMedia instance. Probably have a flag as to whether it's the initiator or responder


init-media	# Same as the current signal. Is triggered when *_initiate is called
init-video-src	# These are all triggered when the corresponding *_get_\* functions are called
init-video-sink	  # The one problem I've thought of with them is that this way it wouldn't
init-audio-src	  # be very easy to have multiple srcs or sinks of the same type.


*_get            # Returns a global instance of the PurpleMediaManager

*_get_pipeline   # Returns a global pipeline to be used for all PurpleMedia instances.

*_get_video_src  # These all create their respective types if they don't exist.
*_get_video_sink # Otherwise they return a src/sink-pad for the existing src/sink.

# The next three functions will probably have a type parameter (audio or video, src or sink)
*_get_plugins            # Return a list of audio/video GStreamer plugins (eg. v4lsrc, alsasrc)
*_get_devices            # Return a list of devices for a specific plugin
*_get_devices_autodetect # Eventually, return a list of devices detected for all supported plugins



All of these functions will have parameters for session_id and participant_id NULL for either of these would indicate a wildcard and do this operation for all matching streams

*_add_stream     # Adds a stream/session/participant to the conference, automatically creates participants and FsSessions as necessary
*_add_candidate  # Adds a single candidate to the stream (May not be necessary. Could alternately add a list)
*_set_candidates # Sets a list of candidates for the stream
*_set_codecs     # Sets a list of codecs for the stream
*_set_direction  # Changes the direction of a stream/session/participant (could use *_add_stream to accomplish this)

*_accept # Accept a session (User clicked the accept button)

# The following two could probably be merged into one function
*_mute  # Mutes an audio stream/session/participant (sending and/or receiving?)
*_pause # Pauses a video stream/session/participant (sending and/or receiving?)

*_end   # Ends a stream/session/participant/conference


These signals also apply to the wildcard note above

ready         # Waits for both codecs-ready to be TRUE and candidates-prepared to have fired (possibly also wait for the user to click accept if they are the responder otherwise we'll probably need an "accepted" signal)
state-changed # Has an enum state (containing such states as connected, end, and ice-specific values) Signals for stream/session/participant/conference

More signals may be necessary for different protocols. Jingle ice-udp may also need a new-candidate and/or new-candidate-pair and a codecs-changed equivalent


I’m not certain all of these will be necessary

*_codecs       # gets codecs per sessions
*_candidates   # gets candidates per stream
*_streams      # gets stream_ids by session or by participant
*_sessions     # gets session_ids in the conference
*_participants # gets participant names by conference or by session

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